Freedom Health CBD


CBD oil in Harriman Tennessee

Shopping for CBD and Delta 8 in East Tennessee

Just because marijuana isn’t legal in Tennessee, doesn’t mean that there aren’t safe and legal alternatives. A common replacement for marijuana is hemp. Well, regular consumers would probably scoff at that description and protest that it’s not exactly a replacement. It is an adequate substitute in our eyes.

Sourcing these substances can sometimes be a hassle, though. In states where legality isn’t an issue, dispensaries can be very useful. Even then, a large segment of the population is left underserved. To alleviate these issues, hemp-based products are slowly gaining popularity.

The low potency may be an issue for some people, but since it’s legal in Tennessee, they will probably be willing to adapt. To facilitate the East Tennessee market, Freedom Health CBD has established 4 retail locations.

Whether you’re looking for Delta 8 in Knoxville, or CBD Oil in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Freedom Health CBD has got your back. If you’ve been sourcing your hemp-based products online or some other outlet, we’ll give you a few reasons why you should come to us.


Despite the common portrayal of marijuana and hemp users as unbothered characters, regular users are actually quite careful about safety. Such substances are not considered hard drugs, and their effects are often described as mild. This is especially true for hemp.

However, if you’re sourcing your hemp-based products from an unreliable seller, you won’t know if it’s actually safe to consume. Freedom Health CBD has strict quality control measures in place that ensure that all our products are fit for consumption.

Products are reliably sourced and diligently screened so that you can have a worry-free experience.


While shopping online is the pinnacle of convenience, there is something irreplaceable about a physical store. Freedom Health CBD has four locations spread around East Tennessee – Oak Ridge, Knoxville, Harriman, and Johnson City Mall.

These locations allow you to walk in, see the product for yourself, and look around for other items that may interest you. When shopping online, you can never truly rely on the seller because they’re just pixels on the screen. So if you want to buy CBD flower in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for instance, you can come to see the product physically before committing to the purchase.

A physical location ensures that not only do you get to verify the product’s quality before paying, but you also have somewhere to go in case you have an issue with it.


Our sales team has unique expertise on all things CBD and Delta 8. This means that when you visit the store, there are specialists just waiting to help you out. Suppose you’re not sure what the effects will be like or what kind of dosage you should take for your first time.

Our team can answer any and all questions you have about the product or the experience. This cannot be replicated at other places.


Freedom Health CBD believes in nurturing a community above all else. We regularly host events such as game nights, or movie premiere nights to keep our community engaged. You can visit our hemp lounges, sit and relax with like-minded people and participate in fun activities organized by us.

We have a killer new website where we post updates on all upcoming events. So what’re you waiting for? If you’re looking for CBD in Roane County, come down to one of our locations. We guarantee that you’ll be satisfied.